Infer Khalid Baig
Class of 2018
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy
Core Skills
- Analytical Skills
- Management
- Teamwork
- Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel
- Public Speaking
- Creative Writing
- Critical Discourse Analysis
- Social Media
- Research
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Yohsin Scholar, Aug 2014 - May 2018
- University of Michigan Summer Study Abroad Program, June 2017 - Aug 2017
- Dean’s List, Spring 2016, Fall 2017
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Moderator, H-Fem, The Habib Feminist Collective, Jan 2017 - Sept 2017
- Presenter, 4th Women Empowerment Conference by AEIRC, Dec 2017
Final Year Project
Project Title
Gender Based Violence, Guilt and Shame, and Mental Health in Pakistan
My thesis is a study of Gender Based Violence in Pakistan, using published literature as well as primary research via qualitative surveys. The aim was to investigate guilt and shame in the experiences of both victimization and aggression i.e. in victims as well as in perpetrators. The study shows that sociocultural factors contribute to the development of these two emotions, e.g. an emphasis on conforming to strict gender roles. Further, shame and guilt, when experienced in the dynamics of such violence, can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. The study suggests support strategies for assisting people in healing from their experiences.